
I recently started using sxiv and it’s been great so-far. I was looking for an image-viewer that could display the individual entries of an ICO file. Well, sxiv doesn’t support the ICO file-format directly, but it turns out you can very easily make a script for that:

#  _                          _
# (_) ___ ___        _____  _(_)_   __
# | |/ __/ _ \ _____/ __\ \/ / \ \ / /
# | | (_| (_) |_____\__ \>  <| |\ V /
# |_|\___\___/      |___/_/\_\_| \_/
# View the individual entries of an ICO file in `sxiv`.
# Copyright (C) 2020 Pablo
# Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GPL-3.0 License.

TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
convert "$1" "$TMP_DIR/icon.png"
sxiv "$TMP_DIR"/*.png
rm "$TMP_DIR" -rf

This is one of the biggest advantages of simple programs such as sxiv: it’s easy to configure them and they integrate well with other programs. Anyway, I made a Git repository for this: git.pablopie.xyz/ico-sxiv/