LaTeX packages for the working mathematician
I’ve written small LaTeX packages to help me write down solutions to Algebra
and Cathegory Theory exercises. Most of the commands provided by the package
are simply short-hands for symbols in amssymb
. Here are the first two files:
\ProvidesPackage{xalgebra}[2020/09/10 1.0.0 Usefull definitions for Algebra]
\RequirePackage{amssymb} % For the standard sets
\RequirePackage{amsmath} % For the \DeclareMathOperator
% Standard sets
% Linear Algebra stuff
\DeclareMathOperator{\vspan}{span} % Set span
\DeclareMathOperator{\Tr}{Tr} % Operator trace
\DeclareMathOperator{\Id}{Id} % Identity operator
\DeclareMathOperator{\Bil}{Bil} % The space of bilinear maps
\DeclareMathOperator{\Mat}{Mat} % Matrix algebra
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert\nobreak#1\nobreak\right\rVert} % Vector norm
% Group Theory stuff
\newcommand{\gord}[1]{\left|\nobreak#1\nobreak\right|} % Group order
\newcommand{\perm}{\mathfrak{S}} % Permutation group
\DeclareMathOperator{\Inn}{Inn} % Inner automorphism group
\DeclareMathOperator{\Out}{Out} % Outer automorphism group
\DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn} % Permutation sign (parity)
\DeclareMathOperator{\GL}{GL} % General linear group
% Ring Theory stuff
\DeclareMathOperator{\Frac}{Frac} % Field of fractions
\DeclareMathOperator{\fchar}{char} % Field characteristic
% Representation Theory stuff
\DeclareMathOperator{\Rad}{Rad} % Jacobson radical
[2020/09/10 1.0.0 Usefull definitions for Category Theory]
\DeclareMathOperator{\Obj}{Obj} % The class of objects of a category
\DeclareMathOperator{\Hom}{Hom} % The class of morphisms of a category
\DeclareMathOperator{\End}{End} % Endomorphisms
\DeclareMathOperator{\Aut}{Aut} % Automorphisms
% Function stuff
\DeclareMathOperator{\dom}{dom} % The domain of a morphism
\DeclareMathOperator{\codom}{codom} % The codomain of a morphism
\DeclareMathOperator{\im}{im} % The image of morphism
\DeclareMathOperator{\id}{id} % Identity function
\newcommand{\To}{\Rightarrow} % Natural transformation
I think both this packges are pretty self-explanatory. To use any of the macros
declared in this packages simply require the package and call \<macro name>
There’s another package which isn’t as simple as this two though:
\ProvidesPackage{xexercise}[2020/09/10 1.0.0 Usefull definitions for exercise solutions]
% Option to reset the exercise label
% Exercise
{\stepcounter{exercise}\noindent {\bfseries \xexercise@exerciselabel\, #1. }}
% Exercise items ((a), (b), (c), ...)
The xerxercise
package is an alternative to the
package. It’s mostly meant
for writing down exercise solutions. The exercise
environment is similar
to an amsmthm’s theorem environments:
Write down your solution in here.
If you want to customize the number in the heading of the environment, you can do the following:
Write down your solution in here.
If you want to customize the label in the heading of the environment you can
set the exerciselabel
parameter when requirering the package:
Write down your solution in here.
You can also call the \setexerciselabel
Write down your solution in here.
Furthermore, there’s the exerciseitems
environment, which is meant for
writting down solutions to specific items of an exercise:
\item Item a.
\item Item b.
\item Item c.
If you’re using Overleaf you can install the
packages by simply placing them in the root folder of your project. If you’re
using TeXLive you can install the packages by
placing the .sty
files in $TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/
. The packages are still in
active development, I encorage anyone to send me suggestions — just send me an