Soderbergh’s Solaris: My Love Letter to Soviet Science Fiction
My review of Steven Soderbergh’s 2002 film adaptation of the 1961 novel Solaris
My name is Thiago, but my friends call me Pablo! I’m a brazilian PhD student in Toulouse, France. I’m also very much interested in programming and in various art forms, such as cinema.
My review of Steven Soderbergh’s 2002 film adaptation of the 1961 novel Solaris
A tale of groups and finite topological spaces
Bivalves and snails from the southern tip of America
A journey through geometry and group theory
Quick post on a GIF I made a while ago.
…or: can every infinite set be endowed with the structure of a field?
…or: how I was personally convinced to quit smoking. An essay on the effectiveness of anti-tobacco propaganda.
Some corrections to the recent post on tensors
Quick notes on how to export NewPipe playlists to JSON
They say a tensor is something that transforms like a tensor, but what is that supposed to mean? In this article we’ll explore what tensors are and how to get from the intuition behind them to the usual formalism.